We put this post together for you of a previously lost dog, who was lucky enough to be reunited thereafter.
The top photo was taken by the person who found him and posted on Craigslist in search of his owner. The bottom photo is the photo that the owner used publicly as his lost photo.
Would you put two and two together? Believe it or not, a lot of people would not!
There are certain things to consider when an animal goes missing. This especially applies to lost "designer-type" mixes, such as the dog in this post.
DON'T LET BREED CLASSIFICATION STOP YOU FROM FOLLOWING UP ON A LEAD! *The person that found this dog, classified him as a Shih Tzu or Lhasa Apso.*The owner states that he is a Cockapoo (Cocker Spaniel / Poodle mix).
Keep in mind that the person that found your pet, may be listing him on lost and found sites and reporting him to the shelters as a "different breed." This can be a major obstacle for you! Also, if your pet is brought to a shelter, although they will do their best to determine the breed, a staff member could classify your pet as a different breed than what he actually is or what you think he is.
DON'T USE AN OUT OF DATE PHOTO FOR YOUR LOST ADS! *This dog, when he went missing, was obviously just groomed as the top photo depicts. *The owner used a photo of his dog with longer, shaggier hair for his lost photo; NOT A GOOD IDEA! if your dog gets routine grooming, be sure to use a photo that reflects what your pet looked like at the time he went missing. If you do not have such a photo, be sure to describe your dog's "current" appearance in full. For example your ad should state, "longer, shaggier hair; hair is covering eyes; hair gets curlier as it grows out; much shorter coat as recently groomed, etc."
HAS IT BEEN A WHILE SINCE YOUR PET WENT MISSING? Please keep in mind that your pet's appearance can and will change, especially if he is/has endured the outside elements. His coat can/will become matted, dirtier, grown out, thicker, thinner, etc. He may lose weight changing his facial and body appearance. He could lose teeth, walk with a limp, etc.**NOTE: If your pet sat out a stray hold and is currently up for adoption, he is most-likely groomed and 'NOW' FIXED (neutered/spayed), if he wasn't prior to entering the shelter or rescue. All things to consider when looking for a lost pet.
Follow up on any lead that may come your way that sounds like it may be your pet.
Keep all of the above in mind when searching for your pet.
The Internet is a fabulous way to network and search for your lost pet, thus, if you come across a photo of a found animal that resembles your pet, GO SEE THE ANIMAL! Photos can distort lighting, coloring, weight, etc. Do not let a quick glance at a photo make up your mind for you. We understand when you say, "I will know my pet," but it is better to be safe and see the animal in person.
ONE LAST THING! Do NOT let distance play a role or be a determining factor for you. That "found" brown and white dog in Valley Stream described on Craigslist as a Shih Tzu could just be your missing beige and cream Cockapoo from Massapequa.